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Rebar Codes from USA
"This whole section has been plagiarised from the 'Basalt Guru', in its entirety. Thanks to the Basalt Guru, of Newport, Rhode Island, USA, whose permission was requested". I have edited slightly, spelling "Fibre" the correct way!
Basalt Rebar ACI Codes
To be allowed by your local building inspector department, to use basalt rebar, it is essential that permission is granted. To assist the specifiers and inspectors, please reference the various ACI codes that apply.
Here is the statement that applies to Basalt rebar.
Basalt FRP Rebar is used as per ACI 440.1R-06. The construction use is dictated by ACI code 440.6-08. It is specified by ACI 440.5-08 and tested according to ASTM D7205 and several other test methods. ASTM testing of Basalt FRP rebar shows that Basalt FRP rebar easily meets the performance requirements of ACI 440.6-08.
Also applicable to Basalt rebar is ACI 440R-07 Report on Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures. The use of Basalt rebar came along after ACI 440.6-08 was published so the Basalt version of FRP was not specifically called out in that document. However, ACI 440R-07 (a later document) does specifically call out Basalt rebar as an FRP rebar. It says, “Fibres commonly used to make FRP bars are glass, carbon, and aramid. Recently, continuous Basalt fibres have become commercially available as an alternative to glass fibres.” It talks about Basalt FRP rebar all through the document and includes it in its various tables, but the key point is that it is classed as FRP.
Basalt FRP rebar is approved as natural fibreglass, meeting the certification specifications of ACI 440.6-08 and signed off as fibreglass FRP rebar. In doing so, the job will simply be "overbuilt" because the physical characteristics of Basalt rebar are higher than fibreglass, falling between fibreglass and carbon fibre.
Basalt rebar can be placed to meet code requirements by using the calculations and installation guidelines for fibreglass reinforcement of concrete as defined in ACI 440.6-08.
Recommendations for maximum deflection and shear of concrete elements reinforced with fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) rebar’s are presented in ACI 440.1R-06 (2006) “Guide for the Design and Construction of Structural Concrete Reinforced with FRP Bars”.
Basalt rebar has been tested at various universities and approved by the American Concrete Institute, under ACI 440-10. Basalt rebar is used according to ACI 440 1R-06. The construction use is dictated by ACI code 440.6-08. It is specified by ACI 440.5-08 and tested according to ASTM D7205 and several other testing methods.
ISO 9001: Basalt rebar has been tested by several methods and approved by ISO 9001.
In the ACI documentation, the term FRP (Fibre Reinforced Polymer) includes Basalt based FRP. The term BFRP is often used instead of saying Basalt Rebar.
Existing Basalt Rebar specifications and testing requirements.
ACI 440.3R-4: Guide for the test methods for fibre reinforced polymers for reinforcing or strengthening concrete structures. Published by the American Concrete Institute.
ACI 440.1R-06: Guide for the design and construction of concrete reinforced with FRP Bars. Published by the American Concrete Institute.
ASTM Standards
D570 Standard test method for water absorption of plastics.
D619 Standard practice for conditioning plastics for testing.
D695 Standard test method for compressive properties of rigid plastics.
D790 Standard test methods for flexural properties of unreinforced and reinforced plastics.
D792 Standard test methods for density and specific gravity.
D2734 Void content of reinforced plastics.
D3410 Standard test method for compressive properties of polymer matrix composite materials.
Design Manuals
Isis Design Manual No 3: Reinforcing concrete structures with fibre reinforced polymers.
American Concrete Institute: ACI: 440 Composites for Concrete
American Concrete Institute: ACI: 400H Reinforced Concrete (rebar)
American Concrete Institute: ACI: 440I Pre-stressed concrete (tendons)
American Society of Civil Engineers: ASCE: Structural Composites and Plastics.
American Society of Testing and Materials: ASTM D20.18.01 FRP Materials for concrete.
American Society of Testing and Materials: ASTM D20.18.02 Pultruded Profiles.
American Society of Testing and Materials: ASTM D30.30.01 Composites for Civil Engineering.
AASHTO Bridge Subcommittee: T-21 FRP Composite
StoneRod fibre products have many applications in the construction field. Obviously, not every application can be described. However, where solutions are required, our StoneRod products might be the solution to your problem.
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